Tag Archives: respect

It’s A Parking Lot, NOT a Racetrack

If you read my “about” me page, which I’m sure a lot of you have, you know that I’m mom to two, and my youngest is home schooled. Which is great, most days. That also means though that DS goes with me 95% of the time when I have errands to run during the day. No big deal, right?

Usually it’s not a big deal. He’s a great kid (yes, I’m biased, but I’m allowed). He knows how to behave in public. He knows that sometimes things just take a while. He knows to look both ways in a parking lot, and to walk between me and the parked cars, since he’s still a little guy, and I can be seen easier. We’ve always tried to teach both of ours to be fully aware of their surroundings, especially near moving vehicles, because well, let’s be honest, if you get into an argument with one, the vehicle is going to win.

Anyway, the point of all of this, if you can’t tell by the title, is, it IS a parking lot. There are going to be other cars and people around. Deal with it. Flying around the corners at high rates of speeds is unnecessary and unsafe. What spawned this was, this past Monday, DS and I had to run to our local cable company to turn in our DVR/Converter boxes as we decided to downgrade our cable and stop paying ridiculous amounts of money every month for a service we probably use 25% of. [Scene: DS and I walk out of said cable company office, to cross the parking lot to our car]. Someone else had walked out a couple minutes ahead of us, and was pulling his mid to large sized SUV out of a space next to the building, near one of the driveways. He was still backing, and he saw us (indicated by the “shared nod” lol) and so I knew we were fine to cross after checking for any other traffic. We take one step off the curb, and from the street, comes another smaller SUV, flying around the one that is backing out. I grab DS’s shoulder, and back up back onto the sidewalk as the driver of said smaller SUV flies right past us without a glance.

Cue Momma Bear.

I’ll admit. I was ticked off. It’s not the first time we’ve been nearly run down in a parking lot because someone decided that flying around the safely moving traffic to save themselves 15 seconds was the right thing to do. Look I get it. You’re in a hurry, you’re trying to get things done on a lunch break, or whatever. But, let me tell you, if you get arrested for hitting me or one of my kids, you’re going to be a LOT later than you thought.

So, I get DS safely into the car, and I linger by my door, waiting for said driver to get out of his car. When he does, (yes I know, temper, temper) I say, loudly, “It’s a parking lot, NOT a racetrack!!” He takes half a step towards me, looks like he’s going to say something, and then turns and walks (quickly) into the building. We get into our car, and continue on our day. Safe and sound thankfully.

For now, I will just remind you. Most parking lots, although it’s not always posted, have a speed limit of 10-15 MPH. Although the driver backing out does not have the right of way, play nicely. I personally drive a sedan, and it’s a pain in the behind to pull out from in between two SUVs or Vans. Also, posted or not, local police can issue tickets in a parking lot, private property or not. And, more importantly, no matter if there are crosswalks, no matter if it’s posted or not, rules of the road still apply. The pedestrian ALWAYS has the right of way.

Slow down, be safe, be smart, show some respect, and don’t forget to smile, you never know, it just might make your day better.

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